Folding PPD - [email protected]



24 Oct 2004
Now things have settled and I've got the client past 10 WUs complete I seem to be getting around 16000 PPD crunching through 4 WUs in a 24 hour period. There might be a token slacking for an hour or two when I'm gaming, but most of the time the PC has only been crunching. This seems a bit low to me?

There is no GPU client running. I'm running the SMP 6.34 console client using a shortcut (dunno why but the service mode wouldn't run in SMP), with 8 cores (includes hyperthreading). No apparent crashes.

I suspect I can push the clock higher in due course. Temps are only hovering in the 61-64 deg range under load. But I'll worry about that later if I can squeeze a bit more from the folding in the first place.
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How come you've thieved the name of my laptop, Poseidon, and nicked my Office's server, Zeus, for good measure. I'll congratulate you too for squeezing that performance from my boss's laptop, Hades. :eek: Your ability to borg stuff is clearly superior to mine :p

But on a serious note, your suggested PPD indicates I have something fundamentally wrong :(
Well I really don't get this at all. I'm now trying the v7 beta client. The PPD on it's first WU has dropped to around 10,000 according to the FAHClient thingy. Certainly it's taking over 12 hours, with the PC largely otherwise idle, to do a WU worth only about 5500 points :( All 8 SMP cores are at 100%. There is no GPU folding. I have 8GB of RAM and have (I believe) set the advanced and bigadv flags for the smp core.

One thing I have noted in the logs is it is describing the CPU as an i7 at 3400 Ghz. Yet I'm overclocked to 4600. Is that just how the fah client works or is it an indicator of where my problem might lie?
Thought I might have found a problem last night as something to do with Intel Raid seemed to be hogging one of the cores. But the PPD doesn't seem to be rising.
Interesting, I've put it back to stock and the PPD estimate is leaping upwards towards 30,000. Suggests that I haven't got a clue how to overclock, or that folding objected to it.
I'd tried both the 6.34 and v7 beta in Windows 7. Neither gave any performance. I'm not sure I've had any bigadvs except one recent WU that gave me 18000 pts but took well over a day to crunch.

The v7 beta currently shows a 7010 for est PPD of circa 2900 at 2min11sec a frame on the unclocked i7 2600K. Compared to Rizo-UK that might suggest that clocking has only a marginal benefit?
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