Food and The Gym

10 Jun 2003
Hi everyone,

Hope this isn't thought of as medical advise!?

I've been going to the gym now for about 1 month and feeling rather good from it. I'm of an average weight for my height.

Now i've started eating a bowl full of tuna and pasta everyday as I heard this is pretty good for you. I also drink a shed load of semi skimmed milk throughout the day (2 - 4 litres) and have a normal meal after work which normally includes some sort of meat, veg and chips.

My goal is to gain some weight and bulk up for the summer. Is what I'm eating the right sort of stuff to eat to succeed my goal? Is having so much pasta and milk bad for you in anyway?


PS. feel free to delete if it is classed as medical advise!
Admiral Huddy said:
Trick is to eat little and often throughout the day, sticking to a well balanced diet..

Don't go believing that the more protein you eat the more you bulk because it isn't true.

Your daily calries should consist of at least 60% Carbs (complex), 15% fat and 25% protein (or there abouts).

Remeber that rest is just as important then the training and the diet.

Is what I'm eating generally good though? I take a large bowl of pasta to eat throughout the whole day at work because my metabolism is sky high and I get hungry about 1.5 hours after last eating.

I have a low calcium level anyways so drink the milk for that, but it has helped me gain weight as I used to under weight and now I'm average for my height.

I forgot to mention I have got some Maximuscle Cyclone which I've just started taking. Gonna give it a trial see how it goes.
I have breakfast @ 8 - small portion of tuna pasta between 9 and 11 - large portion of tuna pasta around 1 - then if there's any left some more tuna pasta around 3 then evening meal around 6:30. Then if I feel like it some cereal before I go to bed.

Am drinking milk almost constantly throughout the day.

I have only started doing the above diet, literally 3 days ago. My previous diet was crap. Breakfast - Normally Mc D's or a sandwich at lunch then evening meal then nothing and you could guarantee the lunch meal would be crap convenience food
GordyR said:
We can't tell if what you are eating is good or not wihtout you posting your full daily diet.

Work out how many calories you burn per day. If your goal is to gain muscle add 500 on to that number. If you goal is to lose fat then decrese it by 500. Simple really.

Keep your protein intake around 1.5g per lb of bodyweight and manipulate your carbohydrate intake depending on whether you wish to gain weight or lose it.

I would concern yourself too much with the ratios of protein/carbs/fats. Depending on your weight, amount of lean mass and your goals, these ratios will differ.

Read your sticky thoroughly. Very useful.

How would I work out how much I'm burning. I really have no idea how much I burn or take.
A2Z said:
Personally my diet is similar to this with a few things changed to suit my preferences

Thats all good but far too serious and complicated for me. I just wanna gain some weight and bulk up a bit. Not into serious body building.
wordy said:
To the O.P, whats your training regimene like?

Don't have such have a set regime, just go three or four times a week. Bit of cardio and try and focus on one set of muscles per session.
GordyR said:
Then eat more. Much more. There is no magic behind it. If you eat more than your body burns you will gain weight. If you are training well then a good proportion of that weight gain should be muscle. :)

Well on the diet i've posted I am eating a lot more than I used to and can already see my body is much fuller.

Its amazing how much my body changes in a matter of days if not eating properly.
Might have a word with my gym instructor then. They help set up a routine to go along with my goals

Has anyone got a link to a website that explains what all these different lifts are? I really don't have a clue lol :confused:

iCraig - The weight i've gained is all from drinking so much milk which started late november. My eating habits didn't change when I started drinking the milk at all. Its only recently I've started eating more, and now you guys are telling me I need to eat even more lol. I won't be able to move :)
I'm not too fussed about a little fat. Obviously if it gets out of hand (the misses will be the first to say so lol) I'll cut down but I love my milk and have so far loved the benefits its gave me. I've always struggled to put on weight in the past and now I'm average, which is great.

Will start to look at other simple foods I can have. I can't cook you see ;) well won't cook is more like it. I hear cottage cheese is good for you?
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