Food budget

1 Mar 2003
Cotham, Bristol
What's your food budget per week?

I was just thinking, i've never ever set myself a food budget for the week. Which is a bit scary really, I spent about £5 on lunch and brekkie today, and this evening I had some nice cheap pasta sauce in the fridge but decided to go and buy a £4 pizza some extra cheese and a beer, total roughly 7 quid.

I don't spend this much every day, but at least half that every day of the week.

My main outgoings are definitely on food and drink :o
At uni I ate a lot, and I put on weight as I did no real exercise, but now losing it due to eating at home and sensibly again, just dont get into the routine of eating when bored :)

Don't have a budget as such but I worked out that I spend around £250-£300 a month on food just for myself :o
(includes meals out though)
I eat well, loads of fresh meat and bird eye stuff. Dont buy cheap crap, and i can manage on £30 a week at morrisons. Im at uni. £30pw for 3 meals a day 7 days a week. Thats like £1.50 a meal! Cant complain really.
We spend about 40 quid between two of us per week. We also have the occassional top up shop, perhaps once a week at most for a special meal or treats etc., that comes to about a tenner usually.

Lidl for the win. :D
Netto is quite good if you're on a budget. Branded stuff for lower prices than Asda etc. Only thing is there isn't a lot of choice.
4 cans of Carling £2.19 aint too bad though.
I spend around £15 a week on myself, I find this is plenty then again I do tend to skip dinner quite often / I'm not around home at that time.
Chum at £1 a tin twice a day £14 in total + £1 for buscuits per week. £20 does me with some left over

YUMYUM me mouth is drooling now... gota go...
chris_r said:
What do you eat? :)

cuppa soups, savoury rice, beans, toast, baked potatoes, mince, rice, pasta, ocasional chicken, cheap sauces to go with all that, drink water, peas with everything, sausages, chips... other cheap things like that. You can build a pretty decent diet on £10 a week. I tend to only have 1 or 2 meals a day. bump that budget to £15 and yo'll be fine.
i don't bother to be honest. i just go shopping and buy what I want/need. I do have a rough idea of how much money I spend, so i'm not getting myself into debt, just don't see the point in wasting time writing lists and budgets, lifes too short.
Johnny Girth said:
Probably about £50-60 a week on supermarket food + £20-30 on going out.

Ah, the student high life!

Dude... that's a lot of money you're not spending on beer?
I don't have a budget. It depends if I'm at home or not, and whether (or how much) we're entertaining, or have visitors staying.
£30 at uni.
£0-10 at home :D

I found that eating more healtily at uni prooved more expencive, as veg and fruits are not that cheap (especially nuts), and meat on top of that is much more expencive!

So eating junk food prooves cheaper.

Just my 2p
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