Food processor - Any ideas?!

31 Oct 2003
Derby, UK
Good evening La Cuisine!

Having made a number of recipes recently which would have taken far less time if I had a food processor, I have decided to treat myself! I'm not particularly knowledgable in this field (I hope someone here is!), what sort of things should I be looking for? Any brands worth avoiding?

In terms of budget I'm thinking in the region of £50 - £100. Thanks for any advice you may be able to give!


I had been looking at them. I know they are excellent, my mum would be lost without hers! I shall have a look!
Same price range as the magi mix is the kenwood professional and it's brilliant as well. Got the one with a million and one attachments.
Same price range as the magi mix is the kenwood professional and it's brilliant as well. Got the one with a million and one attachments.

I have a Kenwood, utterly brilliant. Not as well built as the magimix but it has more capabilities.

If i didn't enjoy using my knives so much i could throw them away and it would literally be the only thing i need to cook a full meal.
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i have some basic braun food processor that i got off my mum years ago, it just has the spinning knives attachment, but that is all i need, (as its all i have ;))
Up your budget slightly and get a Magimix, they're very very good. I use a Magimix Compact 3200.

Another vote for these, definitely worth the little extra. The blades they come with are fantastic quality and handle pretty much anything you throw at it. Plus being an induction motor it is much quieter running and comes with a 10 year guarantee.
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