Food suggestions for nightshift workers?

30 Sep 2007
What would you replace all the usual junk food with? I'm after healthy alternatives to the pot noodles and sweets I normally consume during the night. :( I don't really know how to cook from scratch (other half does this when we're together during my time off) but I want to learn, I just don't know where to start. :p I also don't really know of any healthy snack alternatives, so it's usually a chocolate bar or a bag of crisps. :D
Nothing. Or just a bit of roast chicken or nuts at the start.
Nightshifts are great, I eat so much better on them.
Wake up, have a few hours lounging, have a proper cooked brunch as you have the time to. 2 or so hours before work have another proper meal. Then just a snack at work if needed

I'm assuming you have little to do drying the day. That's the best time to cook, plenty of time, no rush. Can't do much anyway, everyone else is at work.

Probably more useful, do some chilli and have some tortillas and avocado/veg in a wrap. Chilli is easy to make.
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Shift worker myself and it's not easy, I tend to snack from the machines and it's utter rubbish! Try eating a good meal before leaving for work, pasta based or even (I honestly do this) a big bowl of porridge as this keeps you going for ages before hunger kicks in. Failing this sandwiches....
Just eat anything decent, no reason why you can't just take leftovers such as meat, vegetables etc and just reheat at work, or just take cold (cooked) meat and cook some fresh veg, aslong as you've got basic kitchen facilities you're laughing. Eggs is another easy one, just take half a dozen eggs and some butter, bread if you want and scramble the eggs up.

I quite often take my dinner in and cook it at work, I realise this isn't always possible for everyone though depending on your job circumstances etc, we work a single manned nightshift so it's not easy to prepare food but in between the job it's possible for me to cook a meal. I've been known to do a full roast dinner on nights!:D Mind you, manning the pumps and cooking a dinner sometimes leads to a touch of the old over cooked veg and incinerated meat! Beats going hungry though.

For people with no time to prepare/cook at work then things like salads/fruit, cold meat, cheese, hard boiled eggs etc are easy to just shove in a tupperware, much better than raiding the vending machine! Unless you've got a vending machine that does Steak and eggs that is!:p
Buy a slow cooker, cook up some chilli, savoury mince, or stew whilst in bed during the day. Get up and put it in a food Thermos and take to work. I even put par-cooked veg in my Thermos with the stew and it is perfect when I am ready to eat. Sprouts, cauli, green beans all cope well with being in a Thermos.
I agree with Glaucus, I eat better on nights. I'm normally up around 4am so have some cereal or porridge for breakfast. Then have dinner with the girlfriend at 8pm ish which sets me up nicely. I then take a sandwich in and usually eat that around 4-5am. Bed by 8-9am and all is good. My only problem is the infinite amount of biscuits available in the work kitchen!

I find having dinner at the right time helps keep your mind somewhat in a 'daytime' mode, making it easier at weekends.

I've never understood night workers that have massive dinners at 3 in the morning, that's not good for you at all, in fact I doubt I could do that!
I've never understood night workers that have massive dinners at 3 in the morning, that's not good for you at all, in fact I doubt I could do that!

It's not when you eat but what you eat that determines whether or not it's good for you.
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