Food you hate

25 Jul 2011
Just interested in which foods you dislike and why?

I reckon my only two dislikes are grapefruit (although if i imagine it doesn't taste like poison its edible) and tripe (which is inedible..seriously it is)
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Crying as a child, so you've never tried them since. Children are also more susceptible to bitter taste.

Some of you. No cheese or mushrooms :eek: ah well more for.

Kidney on its own I find to strong. Fine in things like steak and kidney pies though.

Agree on the kidneys; in a pie or stew with other ingredients theyre fine but on their own bleuurggghh.
Onions. Growing up the smell/taste/texture of raw or cooked Onions was enough to make me gag and sick pretty much straight away. Now days I'm not phased about the smell of cooked Onions but I still can't abide the texture or taste and raw Onions are still a massive no-no. If someone starts cutting an Onion in the same room as me I have to leave before I can smell it and I can't eat food that has had an Onion on it as I can taste where it was.

It is strange though as I know when I eat something like Chicken korma from a take-away that there is a good chance there will be an Onion paste in it but it doesn't bother but anything else I can't stand. Can make buying food pretty tricky and the amount of times I've gone to buy something as simple as a Cheese sauce from a supermarket and not been able to due to it having Onions is is rather annoying!

So yeah I don't like Onions... Feel free to laugh now :p

Thats quite a disadvantage given that a chopped onion seems to be the foundation to a huge amount of dishes
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