foolish question about widescreen monitors

8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.

When playing a game, say Counterstrike source. or Day of defeat source, if i were using a wide screen monitor, would I actually see more of the area to my left and right.

Im not sure if that makes sense, but i dont know how else to put it lol.

Do you gain a bit of viewable area to your imediate FOV or is it just stretched to fill it from 4:3 aspect?

ah i give up

Help .
as above, it would depend on the game. If the game supports WS resolution as some do nowadays then you will get a wider FOV. If it doesnt, it would just get stretched
Ok and by widescreen resoloutions, you mean the 1440 x 700s or whatever weird things there are.

Brilliant people much appreciated.
i think rts games like warcraft 3 show the wideness of widescreen monitors best in fps like hl2/counterstrike i harldy noticed till i ran the dell 2001fp and 2405fpw side by side.

heck just look ak the pic in the gaming section of baddass's article think its civ4 or somat
just got my 20 inch WS VX2025 and when i loaded WoW averyone looked short and fat! Quick change of resolution which is supported by default (1680 x 1050) and everyone looks normal again and i've gained a wider POV as all the UI stuff that was on the right of my screen had to be moved across.
CSS can be run in true 16:9 or 16:10 with various resolutions on a widescreen monitor and looks great. Most games have started to support widescreen now so it shouldnt be a problem. CSS is one game that looks excellent in WS and it does give you a greater Field Of View than standrd size monitor. I will post a couple of screenshots showing the difference between widescreen and not when I get home later. Once you start gaming in wont go back to standard...thats definite!
What about in Battlefield 2. That is really the only game I play and I am thinking about a WS monitor. Does BF2 have widescreen resolutions or will it just stretch the image (not cool). I dont want it stretched, but a larger viewing are would be neat in BF2.
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