Football management game on Excel....

2 Jan 2004
A friend of mine once sent me a dead simple english football management game on an Excel spreadsheet (real teams but made up players with no stats) but I lost it and cant seem to find it again.

Anyone ever seen this out there or know where I can find it??

It was really basic but really addictive!!!

Cheers, StevieP
StevieP said:
A friend of mine once sent me a dead simple english football management game on an Excel spreadsheet (real teams but made up players with no stats) but I lost it and cant seem to find it again.

Anyone ever seen this out there or know where I can find it??

It was really basic but really addictive!!!

Cheers, StevieP

A football management with no stats :confused: Thats like a FPS with no guns ? :D
I know it sounds pants but I used to play it at work, just a few pages, the players have 1 stat in their particular position and they are either injured or not.

VERY addictive!!!!

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