Football Rule(s) question

13 Dec 2006

I was playing 11-a-side today which we won 3-1 :D but towards the end when they were still 3-0 one of my team mates passed the ball back (from the halfway line) to the 6yard box to which he shouted at another person on my team to "leave it!' so he could kick it.

At this point the other team started whining that you can't say leave it and that you have to put an actual name on it. We failed to see how that would work and why anyone would be picked up on it.

So were they telling the truth or was it a toys out of the pram moment as they were losing.

I hope my explanation makes sense.
in the situation that happened, they didn't have a player near the ball or the person that was told to leave it. I could kind of understand if people were just shouting 'mine' it could be confusing.

I think it was just mainly 'cos they were losing though as this is about the 7th time we have played them and only the 2nd time we have won!
should have mentioned this before, we don't play professionally or anything It is 11 of my mates vs 11 other people of which we know a few of the other team. I just thought it was an absurd thing to complain about when no one on there team was challenging for the ball.
So generally we are agreed it is unsporting and you can get pulled up on it. what about when it is shouted and the opposition is not near the ball or in the position to intercept/challenge for it?
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