For all intensive purposes....

Yes, one of my pet hates as well, but i've had to agree to disagree with those grammar infidels and let it slide.
I must say I've never heard anybody misquote that phrase. Odd idea for a thread....
Hmm, most people have other things to worry about, like bills and death to worry about one phrase.

But you will be able to shoot people down now.
cheets64 said:
Hmm, most people have other things to worry about, like bills and death to worry about one phrase.

I hate that argument! :p

Death, bills etc are more important, yes. But every problem or mistake inter-connects itself to much bigger things. It doesn't make smaller problems any less of a problem.

Afterall, if you make more than a few silly spelling/grammar mistakes on a CV then you could have potentially lost yourself a good job, which could have been an aim to improving your entire life.

In my opinion, it's the smaller and less important things people need to think about. One big problem could be solved by solving several little problems.

I just BROUGHT a blow up inflatable woman.

Argh! I hate that mistake! :mad: It's no other mistake apart from that one that annoys me the most.
me227 said:
I just BROUGHT a blow up inflatable woman.

Argh! I hate that mistake! :mad: It's no other mistake apart from that one that annoys me the most.

Too true, better off with a good old hand shandy. Less chance of the mrs finding it then.
I think this might just be a Stoke thing, but when asking to borrow something, a lot of people ask, for example 'Alright duck, can I lend your hedge trimmers?'

Which is plainly incorrect.
I should have thought twice before making this thread. You should have thought twice before replying to.
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