For all you Arma2 players - VCB open co-op night. 1st Sept

11 Apr 2007
'At 1900hrs GMT, on the 1st Sept, VOLCBAT will be hosting an open co-op night. We will have a total of 40 slots available in the mission, and all are welcome to join us, although please read this post thoroughly for information on what to expect, and what we will expect from you.

First of all, who are we? We're a group thats been doing co-op since the days of Flashpoint, all the way back in 2002. We play along British tactics and platoon level drills, although we eschew the "bull****" elements of realism such as marching up and down the square or calling each other by our ranks, in favour of being really good at the stuff that actually matters. Our motto reflects this; "realism, without the ********". More information about us can be found in our thread here.

So if thats piqued your interest, and you fancy abit of serious, team orientated co-op, without a 14 year old field marshal screaming at you down Teamspeak for not calling him "Sir", read on.

The missions: There will be one or two missions, which usually last between 1 and 3 hours each, depending on the missions themselves. There are no 'set' or scripted objectives, it's done via the platoon commander! You'll be split down into rifle sections, run by our own JNCO team. There are no respawns, no scoreboards, kill messages, magic GPS, or anything along those lines. The missions themselves are set up to reflect what a real life infantry platoon would be doing, so it's all very core infantry bread and butter type stuff - Wannabe Andy McNabs can stay at home! Before going into mission and kitting up, theres an O group with a full set of orders. This takes about half an hour to get through, but we find it well worth it in setting the atmosphere and ensuring everyone knows what the point of the mission is beyond "kill bad people".

What you need/Whats expected:
You'll need a legit copy of ArmA2, patched and ready to rock. You'll need Teamspeak, and a decent grasp of English, as all comms will be in English. We don't expect you to be **** hot with your skills and drills, but we do expect you not to dick about and to try your best to follow your section commanders orders. Be warned that this style of gaming is -not- for the short of attention span, but for those looking for something a little more immersive, you'll likely find it a fantastic experience. Oh and we also expect you to be punctual and on time if you're turning up. The server will be passworded to ensure no random public joins, and locked once the mission starts, as joiners coming and going will ruin the game experience for the rest of the players.

Timings (GMT):
Be on Teamspeak no later than: 1850hrs
Be on Server no later than: 1900hrs

There will likely be a second mission some time around 2100hrs and anyone who missed the first one will be able to jump onto the second.

Server Details (will only be valid on the 1st):
(Check back nearer the time)

Finally, please let us know if you're interested so we can gauge numbers.'

I play with VCB in the mighty 2 section, and have to say it's awesome fun humping around the woods and engaging the enemy with proper drills etc.
**** sorry I'd just copied the original thread from the BIS forum and forgot to update. Saw Shadowzes ingame. Did you enjoy it mate?
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