For the aviation fans out there:

19 Jul 2005
S. Yorkshire
Made you look! This is a actually a cunning ploy to get some advice from you... :p

I'm going the the War and Peace show over the weekend and plan to take some shots of aircraft on the ground and in the air.
Assuming the weather is like it is now (i.e. bright blue skies) what would be a good starting point for settings on my S9500?
I'm guessing I want a pretty fast shutter speed to avoid blurring, but am not sure what apature or ISO settings to use as a base.
If I get a shot on Auto, will the exif info give me all the info I need to start playing with depth of focus etc?
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with the sun being as bright as it is you should use ISO 100 or whatever is the lowest setting (i.e. 50 would be better). Then make sure the shutter speed is high for moving planes and you also need to track with them.

If you want blurred backgrounds as an aircraft flys past then use a slower shutter and pan with the aircraft to blur the background.

Use an aperture of around 6-12, I would guess that would work out ok but the avaiation guys will know better.
Mint_Sauce said:
with the sun being as bright as it is you should use ISO 100 or whatever is the lowest setting (i.e. 50 would be better). Then make sure the shutter speed is high for moving planes and you also need to track with them.

If you want blurred backgrounds as an aircraft flys past then use a slower shutter and pan with the aircraft to blur the background.

Use an aperture of around 6-12, I would guess that would work out ok but the avaiation guys will know better.
Thanks for that, I can shoot at ISO 80, so that's a good start.
That's appreciated.
Might also be worth trying upping the exposure compensation by +1/3 or +2/3 if you're shooting against a bright sky, to help prevent underexposing and silhouetting the planes while the camera meters against the bright expanse of blue.
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