For the Quake 3 fan (inc me!)

I have mixed feelings about it. Q3A was pretty much the perfect pure DM game, for sure. However I thought Quake4 was just as good, if not a bit better. It was never really given a chance tho. A lot of this was down to a lackluster start - it took so long for the first patch to come out that lots of people just gave up and went back to Q3A.

Add the fact that the Quake community have always been stubborn old so-and-so's........they moaned when Q2 came out......and again when Q3A came out.......and again with Q4. If it's not exactly the same as the previous version then the teddies go flying out of the pram. It's ridiculous really - I'm very, very average at Quake, but even I can swap between Q2, Q3A and Q4 with no problem at all. It's pretty much the same game, but to listen to some people it's like going from Quake to SimCity or something :confused:

We all know the pure DM scene is also nowhere near as big as it used to be. This creates a double problem. The few Quake enthusiasts left playing didn't really take to Q4 (as mentioned above) and also newbies to Quake would eventually find a server with people on and get totally bum-raped by Quake veterans - "OMG!!!11 cheating hax0rs - I going back to BF2!!!111" etc etc.

So while I'm happy to play Q3A again if it gets popular, I'll still be keeping an eye on Q4 and hoping it gets the chance it deserves.
Curio said:
If it's not exactly the same as the previous version then the teddies go flying out of the pram. It's ridiculous really - I'm very, very average at Quake, but even I can swap between Q2, Q3A and Q4 with no problem at all. It's pretty much the same game, but to listen to some people it's like going from Quake to SimCity or something :confused:

Thats why - average :p The really good players, or the obsessive compulsives will find the different versions very different. They 'feel' different, and that makes a big difference to kills/deaths. I remember getting a new mouse when I played CS and the difference was really quite significant.
Boogle said:
Thats why - average :p The really good players, or the obsessive compulsives will find the different versions very different. They 'feel' different, and that makes a big difference to kills/deaths. I remember getting a new mouse when I played CS and the difference was really quite significant.

Trust me, I've been "compulsive" about Quake. And I was being modest - I'm slightly above average :D Even if they feel different, it takes like 10 mins to get used to that slight difference.
Totally agree - quake 3 is just so much better than 4. I was very unhappy with q4 deathmatch, couldn't get into it at all, and I loved all the previous quake games.
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