Force Quit? Go On Then!

19 Oct 2002
right, i've gotta have a bit of rant about this cuz its really starting to do my nutt in...

i dont think i've managed to shut down the macbook for a few weeks now without holding the power switch...

basically, throughout the days usage of programs its only a matter of time before one beach balls and sticks itself in an un-quitable state...

(for e.g. right now, i went to "save image for web or devices" in photoshop and it beachballed, i gave it a few minutes then tried to force quit, this does nothing, and since i cant see a process to kill in the activity monitor i'm stuck with a seemingly active program that wont quit, and the system wont shut down because the buggers "still running")

if its not photoshop its transmission, if its not transmission its mail, its all getting a bit frustrating... i just lost the image i was working on in photoshop cuz of the latest balls up so i'm a little bit more peeved than usual...

i thought i'd done away with formatting when i moved to mac... but is this what i need to do?
You have to open the terminal and type in the command, it's a terminal command.
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Open Activity Monitor from Applications>utilities>Activity Monitor and click on the system memory tab at the bottom. if youre getting a large number of pageouts, its worth upgrading the ram.
naah i've got 4gb of crucial in there, there's no pageouts it copes nicely... i think i've probably just got one or two problem programs maybe that os x can't cope with :(
naah i've got 4gb of crucial in there, there's no pageouts it copes nicely... i think i've probably just got one or two problem programs maybe that os x can't cope with :(
Throw them my way.

If my Mac crashes then you'll know it's definitely the software :cool:
Throw them my way.

If my Mac crashes then you'll know it's definitely the software :cool:
nice offer but i have no idea which programs could be the culprit(s)...

gonna resort to a format but i'll wait till i buy my new hdd (sticking the current 120gig in the ps3 :))
Why not open up the following folder;

Home > Library > Logs > CrashReporter

That'll give you a complete list of the apps that have crashed :)
If it's a Bus Error then check the RAM seating.. I had this on initially installing my 4GB but now with it reseated it's memtested and AHT tested fine. No problems since.
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