Forging Elite Fitness......

9 Nov 2015
Just using this to keep a log of my crossfit sessions.

Monday 8th May

WU - 100m run, 5 air squats, 5 burpees, 5 sit ups AMRAP easy for 4mins, PVC shoulder dislocates

Strength - PVC Tech on push jerk then working up to 5 x 5 push jerk finished at 60kg

WOD - 16min AMRAP, 200m run, 15 wall balls (9kg), 10 box step ups

Tuesday 9th May

WU - 400m run plus complex of shoulder loosener exercises and foam rolling

Strength - PVC tech front squat then working up to 5 x 5 front squat finished at 50kg as my position and wrist flex very poor.

WOD - 3 sets of 2 Power Clean, 2 Hang Clean, 2 Push Jerk x 5 rounds at 40,50,60kg
Thursday 11th May

WU - Wall Ball Game

Conditioning - In pairs, 20sec on 40sec off x 12 (Mix of row, ski erg, assault bike and sprint)

'Kettlehell' 8 min AMRAP - 16kg, 12 SDHP, 10 Goblet Squats, 8 KB Swings, 6 Burpees
Thanks! Im a big built guy and a prop in rugby so shoulder strength is pretty good, my cardio / bw exercises extremely poor!!

Monday 15th May

WU - 21-15-9, Air squats, press ups, lunges

Strength - 5 x 3 Back Squat, finished at 100kg, should have gone heavier but quite hard in the group session, then max effort at 50kgs, got 25 reps and left it as the WOD was to come.

WOD - 16 Min AMRAP, 30 KB Snatch, 10 step up, 30 sit up, 10 step up, 30 wall balls, 10 step up
Haha yea I'm not so sure on the crossfit motto.....

Monday 22nd May

WU - 5 min amrap 100m run, 15 sit ups, 10 ring rows, 5 air squats.

Strength - 5 x 5 power snatch. First time doing this so stick quite light at 50kg.

WOD - running clock, 2 rounds of

3 sets of each exercise
60 sec on 15 off, 45 sec on 15 off, 30 sec on 15 off:

Assault bike
Sit ups
Thrusters 30kg
Oh really? Well I worked up to it, not just jumped in at 50kg. Plus we did tech work with PVC pipe first, just haven't logged it! It felt pretty light to be honest, coach was overseeing me personally for quite a lot of it too.
Thursday 25th May

WU - 600m row, mobility exercises, PVC pipe tech

Strength - 5 x 3 power cleans working up to 60kg

WOD - 25min amrap 400m run, 15 power clean @ 40kg, 15 ring rows (scaled from pull ups)
Monday 29th May

WU - 200m row, 10 air squats, 5 press ups x 3 + mobility

Partner WOD (in pairs)

600m run buy in

5 rounds (24min time cap)

10 Power Cleans @ 40kg
20 Box Jumps @ 24 Inch (Step Ups)
30 KBS @ 24kg
40 Wall Balls @ 9KG

Got through 4 rounds, hardest I think I've worked since getting into this.
Cheers guys, much appreciated. I'm in a box Jammie, so I don't get to chose the programming, to be honest just doing this for general health / fitness more than anything else so not too worried about building anything up etc.

Thursday 1st June
WU- 400m run and mobility
Strength - 5 x 10 Push Press worked up to 55kg last set, super set with 30 sec plank holds.
WOD- 3 min on 1 min off x 4
300m run
Ring rows
300m run
40kg Push press / strict to start!
Monday 5th June

5 min WU 21-18-15 SDHP, air squat, run 100m, PVC pipe tech deadlift.

Strength - 5 x 10 deadlift finished at 70kg

WOD - 16 mins

1 min Goblet Squats
1 min max cal cardio - I did assault bike / ski erg
1 min rope pulls (24kg KB)
1 min rest

X 4 rounds.
Tuesday 5th June - Barbell Club

Fancied doing some more technique work on the lifts and also going a little more heavy with less focus on the WOD of normal classes, loved it.

WU lots of PVC Pipe Tech work

20 mins of tech work and working up to a heavy weight for a complex of 2 front squat into 1 split jerk. Front rack position still very poor, wrist flexabilty hindering me a lot. Found I couldn't re grip the bar fully to do the split jerk so on heavier weights had to drop it, clean it up and then jerk and the two front squats. Ended up at 75kg.

10 min EMOM increasing load of:

1 Power Clean
1 hang squat Clean
1 jerk

Finished at 65kg, first time doing full squat cleans for me so more work to do on the technique.
Thursday 8th June

Warm Up
Burpees - length of gym lunge - KB swing

Strength - 10-8-8-6 front squats. I was useless at this, wrists were not recovered from a Tuesday night and I have poor front rack mobility. Did as much as a I could Super setted with weighted step ups.

WOD- everything I hate, 15 min AMRAP

10 calls ski erg
6 press ups
9 sit ups
12 burpees
15 air squats
Monday 12th June

WU - 5 mins of run 100m, 10 lunges, 5 inch worms

Strength - 8,8,6,4 Back Squat, finished at 90kg.

WOD - our coaches competed at War in the Woods this weekend so this week is running through the comp workouts, good fun, mine was scalded down version.

12 min amrap

200m run
20 step ups
20 hang cleans
20 ring rows
20 box burpees

1 round and got to 5 ring rows.
Thursday 15th June

WU - 150m row, 10 air squats, 5 inchworms x 3

Strength Even Min Odd Min - 4 rope pulls 24kg KB 8 press ups (Scaled, others did rope climbs and HSPU)

WOD - 18 min Time Cap

5,10,15,10,15 back squats & burps with 300m run between each. Got through to the last 10.
Resurrecting this from the dead.

I ended up doing more triathlons in 2017 so knocked the CrossFit on the head. Completed Ironman 70.30 Staffordshire last summer and a few smaller triathlons. Keen to give it a real go and lower my triathlon racing next season to 1 or 2 sprints to keep my hand in but see how the crossfit goes. Been back about 2 weeks, so will use this as a log. Will be making a real concentrated effort with nutrition shortly too.

Last nights Beginners session

Deadlift PVC tech
KB Deadlift 4 x 10 20kg's

Metcon 10 Mins AMRAP
10 KB Deadlifts 20kg's
10 Jumping Pull Ups
200m Row
10 Box Step Ups 30"

4 rounds
16 mile cycle Sunday absolutely freezing!

This morning:
2 x 200m row
Goblet squats x 10 plus wall hold whilst partner completed the squats
4 x squat therapy
4 x air squat hold at the bottom

Strength 4 x 8 back squats @ 60kgs

Wod with a partner working 1 on 1 off 12 mins
12 calorie row
35 skips
6 burpees

This was my scaled version. 3 rounds completed
Thanks Fella! Loving it at the moment and will keep an eye on your log too.

Well 1 month down going twice a week so I’ve signed up to unlimited sessions now and aiming for 4 x a week.

Today’s 6.30am class:

300m row
In pairs
10 bar only good mornings
Dead hang while partner completes
X 2
10 bar only deadlifts
Hollow rock hold while partner completes
X 2

4 x 7 Deadlifts with 3 sec pause at the bottom follow by 12 weighted step ups. Worked up to 80kgs, pause really killed it!

2 rounds work 2 mins 1 min rest
200m Run into max lunges (I scaled, rest did front rack KB lunges)
200m run into max burpees (scaled, rest did over the box)
Todays Class

45 sec Work, 15 sec rest x 2 Rounds
Ass Bike
Bear Crawl
Face Pulls

Handstand Press Up skills, I can't do these so did some scaled work, piked eccentric pressups

Metcon in Pair, 1 on 1 off 16 mins
200m row into 1) 15 Jumping Pull Ups 2) 15 Sit Ups 3) 15 HR Push Ups

Been ROMWOD'ing every day and feeling much better for it too!
Went to barbell class last night

Warm Up rowing & snatch tech

Build to 1RM snatch balance a measly 30kg as my mobility is awful at the bottom. First time doing these so plenty to work on.

Build to heavy double snatch (power for me) got to 50kg but was roettt burnt out from the snatch balances.
WU was a pvc pipe game where you react to coaches instructions by moving left or right to catch the next pole plus tech work on push press.

5 x 5 push press finished at 50kg

Wod in pairs 1 on 1 off, 12 mins

10 wall balls
8 step ups
6 DB push Press

Got to 7 rounds and felt good, finally starting to feel better and more mobile, managed to touch my toes in a hamstring stretch which I don’t think I’ve done in years!
First time I’ve made 4 in a week, little things but it all adds up.

WU Row + bar only deadlift hang clean and STOH x 2 rounds

WOD in pairs 18 minutes split as you like

Weight was all at 40kg
20 Hang Cleans
20 Cals
30 etc
40 etc
50 etc

Split everything into 5 reps each on the bar and half the calories on rower. Got to 50 round and 20 hang cleans before we hit the time cap.

Deep burner!!
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