Just using this to keep a log of my crossfit sessions.
Monday 8th May
WU - 100m run, 5 air squats, 5 burpees, 5 sit ups AMRAP easy for 4mins, PVC shoulder dislocates
Strength - PVC Tech on push jerk then working up to 5 x 5 push jerk finished at 60kg
WOD - 16min AMRAP, 200m run, 15 wall balls (9kg), 10 box step ups
Tuesday 9th May
WU - 400m run plus complex of shoulder loosener exercises and foam rolling
Strength - PVC tech front squat then working up to 5 x 5 front squat finished at 50kg as my position and wrist flex very poor.
WOD - 3 sets of 2 Power Clean, 2 Hang Clean, 2 Push Jerk x 5 rounds at 40,50,60kg
Monday 8th May
WU - 100m run, 5 air squats, 5 burpees, 5 sit ups AMRAP easy for 4mins, PVC shoulder dislocates
Strength - PVC Tech on push jerk then working up to 5 x 5 push jerk finished at 60kg
WOD - 16min AMRAP, 200m run, 15 wall balls (9kg), 10 box step ups
Tuesday 9th May
WU - 400m run plus complex of shoulder loosener exercises and foam rolling
Strength - PVC tech front squat then working up to 5 x 5 front squat finished at 50kg as my position and wrist flex very poor.
WOD - 3 sets of 2 Power Clean, 2 Hang Clean, 2 Push Jerk x 5 rounds at 40,50,60kg