fork seals

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11 Jan 2006
West Midlands

One of the fork seals on my bike was leaking so I had them both changed using Nikone fork seals I purchased.

They were changed a few weeks ago and the fork seal that wasn't originally leaking has been leaking since I got it back.

I'm going to call the garage tomorrow but what if they say it must be a faulty part (which I suppose could be a possibilty)?

Could it be anythinge lse?
Takes a lot of wear & tear to make a fork seal leak, do a visual & tactile inspection of the offending forkleg, look & feel for any deep scratches or blistering chrome, if youve got access to one, get a vernier on the forklegs & check your manual for the wear specs, if all of thats ok, then ide be enclined to put it down to defective parts or fitment.
The bike has done 18k miles and has had a pretty easy life before I had it. I can't see any scratches or blistering chrome.

I'll speak to the garage tomorrow and see what they say.
If they are ham fisted clowns they could have nicked the sealing lip whilst fitting it, or maybe distorted the seal whilst driving it into the recess it fits into.
I've used nikone seals befor and they where absolute rubbish, failed after a few weeks.

I always use OEM seals now, they cost a bit more than pattern parts but its worth it.
buy cheap buy twice etc...
As above, I would always use OEM parts for this sort of thing. It's just not worth the agro of doing it all again a few weeks/months down the line.
I called the garage and they said it could be bushes as there is no reason why it shoudl leak.

They want to have a look at it so I will take it there.

I had my MOT a few days ago and it passed so I don't think it's bushes.
Ide be inclined to diy with some quality oil seals, they've had enough of your money tbqfh.
Had genuine Yamaha fork seals fitted and no more leaks. A lesson learnt for me!
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