Fork Seals

2 May 2004
It looks like the fork seal on the right need replacing on my Hornet F4. Is this something that's quite easy to do, or should I just let the shop do it?

Should I be replacing the fork oil at the same time?

You may be able to just clean out the grit that is making the seal leak. Using a feeler gauge you pop it down past the seal then pull it completely around the fork stanchion & pop it out the top, Then you pump the forks up & down a few times clean of any excess & the jobs a good'un.

As for how easy they are to do they are very easy to do but you do need to be accurate with the amount of oil you use & don't lose any of the collars, Also you'll need a stand that will hold the bike up without forks or a front wheel on.

That could be a problem, my front stand lifts the bike by the forks :p

So the seal should slide up away & allow me to clean below?
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