Fortnite - Gameplay Trailer

10 Sep 2010

Available in paid Early Access for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and Mac starting on July 25.

Just in case any of you missed it! I like the premise and art-style, but I'm surprised it's going to be early access, seeing as it's been in development since 2011!

The game will not feature on Steam, and instead will use Epic's own launcher.
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I've pre-ordered the Deluxe Edition, as I've been greatly anticipating the game since the debut trailer in 2011, and the E3 trailer showed a lot of promise!
The only thing that concerns me is the F2P model that will be introduced sometime next year! I hope they change their mind on the subject.
The game certainly warrants more attention, it looks very good!

Can we have this thread renamed as official? It's the only one currently active.

Thanks in advance!
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Initial impressions are positive. The tutorial is fairly decent, albeit long-winded. You have to complete it before being able to join friends etc. I got plenty of goodies from the Llamas, including some epic tier weaponry.

Mack likes the combat, destruction, visuals etc. He hates almost everything else! :p I don't always agree with him, but I love his reviews nonetheless.

I've just completed the third Storm Shield defense mission. I like what I've played so far, although I agree it's a bit of a grind.

Edit: Can someone mark this thread as official, please? :D
This is something of a contradiction, seeing as I created this thread, but I've requested a refund. I don't like the direction the game is heading in, and if I'm completely honest, I've scarcely played it since launch.
The addition of a Battle Royale mode was the straw that broke the camel's back. I've already been bitten once with Just Survive, which fell into obscurity after Daybreak decided to prioritise King of the Kill.
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