
8 Mar 2019
Hopefully this is the right place.

Does anyone on here that is 18+ play Fortnite at a semi decent level want to try some duos?

Mainly play customs.

Finding hard to find over 18's that play competitively.


Thought I recognized your name.

Your the guy that kept dying everytime you landed and there was nothing whatsoever that you could do about it right?

"You think we haven't tried loads of **** like that? I've jumped as soon as possible and got down to ground in the quickest time possible, I've left it to the last moment and landed the furthest distance away and everything in between those two extremes - yet I still get insta-killed by somebody I can't see."

"I've gave it another go, and still no matter what I do or where I land I insta-die the moment I land, don't think I've managed to take 5 steps yet. Be that on a roof, in a field or nicely nestled betwixt two structures with no line of sight to anyone. It's now deleted from the HDD"

So what is it, it's for 10 year olds or your bad at it? Don't be bitter coz your bad at a game mate.
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Thanks zefan. I tried it back in season 1 and hated it, though enjoyed watching streamers. Started playing again and it's just a genius game. The build mechanic is amazing and while you may have a point, at the end of the day it is a free game to those that don't buy into paying for skins etc.

Let me know if you want to give it another go, I'm happy to show you a couple of things if you are willing :)
I mean, I have to disagree haha. Maybe related to the skill curve you mentioned above.

Building is most important over weaponry, as long as they don't make drastic changes to that you should be fine taking a break. Getting used to new weapons takes a few hours in creative with mates.
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