Fortress Monastery Build Project (Man Cave)

21 Oct 2014
After seeing Smogsy cave, it really kicked me in the ass to get my own going. My garage was basically a tip and just full of Junk so I decided to make it into a room, here is the log of that process!

Firstly the Clear up!




And after a day of cleaning:



Stay tuned - next up,cinder bricking up the garage door, knocking down and replacing cracked Cinder blocks, damp proofing and adding the roof frame :)
That's a pretty big garage to swallow that Mini like that :D

Love these man cave projects, will be watching keenly.
Looks like you've got your work cut out;)
Will be interesting to see what you do, what plans do you have as for a layout/setup:D
Definitley looking forward to see how this will turn out:)
Needs more context! - Wheres that wall come from/to!?

Well the front of the garage has been complete bricked up, the entrance is now on the rear side facing inside my property. Most of the original cinder brick was okay so we kept it, some was cracked and had to be rebuilt. There is a whole another skin of bring built within the garage so we can install installation and keep it nice and warn/cool :)

Next step will be adding the roof frame :)
You could use grow Chia for the roof so it looks like it has hair :D
I can also see you have added insulation to the wall, definitley a good move :)
Roof frame was put on then we moved onto the first stages of wiring before the floors go down, roof tiles go on and plasterboard gets put up :)





Wiring all in place :)





Thanks for all the feedback gents, really cannot wait to get this finished and have my own domain for a couple of hours a day :P
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This project is coming on in leaps and bounds :)
Just wondering, does the wiring include any CAT5/6 cable or are you using another method for connecting your devices :confused:
As always it's looking good :D
This project is coming on in leaps and bounds :)
Just wondering, does the wiring include any CAT5/6 cable or are you using another method for connecting your devices :confused:
As always it's looking good :D

Got myself some Cat 6 cable from OC I haven't put that in yet as I haven't actually gone into my house, when the plumbing starts that's when I will start running everything from the room to the main house :)
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Looking good ! Clipping on the cables could be a bit neater that's just me though as I'm an electrician :)

Noted ;)

First Stage of the Rendering done:




Bathroom is taking shape, will help me so I can wash after a hard game session or take a tactical toilet break in between matches, started the first stages of the plasterboard and roof installation - hopefully tomorrow the roof on.





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Just make them like 800-1000px in width man, the pics are mahoosive at the moment :) IF you upload them to imgur, you can choose the sizes :)

Looking good so far though man!
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