Forum stickies

Man of Honour
4 Nov 2002
West Berkshire
Unfortunately I'm somewhat time pressed with regards to proactive forum maintenance, so most of the things I do around here tend to be reactive.

This inevitably means that things like the forum stickies tend to suffer, for which I profusely apologise.

So, if anyone around here has any suggestions, or would like to volunteer to help out with updating either or both of the stickies in here, please post your ideas. :)
i keep meaning to do a decent FAQ and some articles, i've got the ideas, just pressed for the time atm, revising for exams for the next 2 weeks. hopefully might be able to get some ideas down for feedback/collaberation after those 2 weeks.
Given both stickies were created 15 months ago, and the speed at which the Linux world seems to move, there is bound to have been some changes of note. :)
If you're updating the sticky, can you remove me from the list of people who'll send distros out? It isn't that I'm not willing to, but I don't spend enough time in the UK to be able to make any sort of guarantee that I'll be able to do it within a month or so.

If people are happy with the stickies as they are, then so am I, but given my lack of attention around here, I thought it wise to ask. :)
There is something i think might be worth adding to the sticky, the Table of Cross-referenced Windows & Linux Programs
I'll PDF later and host it on my webspace if you think its worth it.

Addin into the review section - as a generic source of review and information in linux?

Distribution Suppliers - maybe e-mail them and ask if they are still willing to continue supply of Distro's or ask them to only supply one type to try and easy the load of downloading ect?
again if desired i can mail them and ask.

My be worth listing 3 distro's one for new players, one of intermediate, one for advanced users, although this is abitary most people agree generally on these three classes. give a breif overview of why they are suggested.
i.e. Ubuntu new players,
Federo Intimidate
Gentoo Advanced

i think most people would agre on this. these are well know and have a wide range of support not only on hear but on other forums to. as an example.
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I would be happy to be put on the Distributions mailing list. I have been thinking about doing a Dansguardian tutorial for a while, if you think this would be a good idea let me know and I will.
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