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Forza Motorsport showcased Using Ray Tracing

8 Jun 2018
This is comparison using FM7 vs FM which will be released next Spring 2023

The show case video showing details

Show case Demo

I do wonder what they are using it for their dynamic time of day (2:30). As it does "look" ray traced. Even when the sun goes down at 5:15- 5:18. The night scene of the rollercoaster ride/park with fire works look the part (2:49). The lighting looks ray traced. And the lamp illuminating on the track looks rt'd (2:39). Look at the cars headlights between 2:50- 3:11. They are using different light sources showing different light spreads. I had to pause it a few times but this is something I didn't see in FM7.

The use of RT for the engine is particularly interesting even though it's not something you will see while racing (3:31). Using the show case demo the reflections are clearly seen (4:24) This is all suppose to be done in real time.
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8 Jun 2018
FM should look and behave a whole lot better then GT7. As Polyphony Digital RT implementation leaves a lot to be desired. As it's global illumination is still reliant on it's pre compute shadow data mapping, etc. And most importantly, RT is only available in the reply and demo modes.
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