Founder of telegram arrested in france

10 Sep 2022
As per title,

"Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of the encrypted messaging service Telegram, was arrested around 8pm this Saturday evening as he got off his private jet on the tarmac at Le Bourget airport. Aged 39, this Franco-Russian was accompanied by his bodyguard and a woman.

The arrest was carried out by the gendarmes of the Air Transport Gendarmerie. Listed in the FPR (wanted persons file), Pavel Durov had arrived straight from Azerbaijan. He had a French search warrant issued by the OFMIN of the national directorate of the French judicial police issued on the basis of a preliminary investigation.

Why was he under threat of a search warrant?

Justice considers that the lack of moderation, cooperation with law enforcement and the tools offered by Telegram (disposable number, crypto, etc.) makes him an accomplice in drug trafficking, pedocriminal offences and fraud.

This search warrant was valid if, and only if, Pavel Durov was on national territory. "He made a blunder tonight. We don't know why... Was this theft just a stopover? In any case, he's in custody!", a source close to the investigation told TF1-LCI. Since he knew he was persona non grata in France, Pavel Durov had been in the habit of travelling to the Emirates, the countries of the former USSR, South America... He travelled very little in Europe and avoided countries where Telegram is under surveillance.
UAE aren't very happy with France and have pulled a 20 billion dollar contract for french army aircraft.

This whole thing is very odd and very french.. but I can see both sides of the coin, still on the fence to where I sit
Some steps. If reporting is true Telegram refuses to take any steps. Exactly what steps is way above my pay grade. At least Meta and Twitter take some steps to remove such content but imo they should be working much harder at it. Platform owners shouldn't be given a pass on this because they claim not to be publishers. Legislation needs to be updated as the likes of Section 230 is so out of date for what the internet has become.

You would think so, I reported blatant racism on a post the other day and I got the response back that it met their terms and conditions.
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