Four 290Xs killing my 3970X

Man of Honour
21 May 2012
Dalek flagship
I have got my RIVE BE up and running using the 2400mhz cas 9 platinums and the 3970X. When I use 1, 2, or 3 290Xs there is no problem and the CPU will run @4.9mhz fine.

When I switch on the forth 290X the CPU is not even stable running default settings (CPU @4.0 and memory @1333mhz). I have got all the power cables plugged into the board (the 8 pin and 4 pin by the CPU and the molex for the GPUs at the bottom).

Is there anything else I can do or is the 3970X not up to running 4 X 290Xs.

I have a brand new 4930k I have not used yet, will I have more luck with IB-E

I am also using two 1200i PSUs with 2 GPUs on each one so there is no lack of power.


I think PSU problem even with two PSU. You on AXi or AX PSU??

No joke I saw this before and changed mains lead from 5a fused one to 13a fused one and my 4930K went from stock to 6.15ghz.
I think PSU problem even with two PSU. You on AXi or AX PSU??

No joke I saw this before and changed mains lead from 5a fused one to 13a fused one and my 4930K went from stock to 6.15ghz.
I think PSU problem even with two PSU. You on AXi or AX PSU??

No joke I saw this before and changed mains lead from 5a fused one to 13a fused one and my 4930K went from stock to 6.15ghz.

Pointless having a recommended size fuse fitted, if the lead supplied had a plug with a 5amp fuse fitted, then that is what you should use.

If the psu developed a fault, you'll probably have a fire before the 13 amp blew.
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I think PSU problem even with two PSU. You on AXi or AX PSU??

No joke I saw this before and changed mains lead from 5a fused one to 13a fused one and my 4930K went from stock to 6.15ghz.

I am using two AXi 1200 PSUs. The GPU causing the problem is not on the PSU with the CPU, all that PSU has to do is power the two GPUs and a few minor things.

The 3970X I am using is the worst of my hex cores (always needed a lot of volts) so it may be an idea to try my new 4930k when I am off work in a couple of days.

Edit, almost forgot, I can get the CPU to run long enough (about 3 minutes) @4.5 to finish 3dmark and get a score, the four 290Xs had no problem running at 1180/1600 on air so the power is getting to the cards ok. The problem is the CPU when it gets warmed up after a couple of minutes and then it won't even run at stock with the four cards turned on.
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You have angered the PC gods by having such a beast, also maybe because you have so much power they are surging? And don't the AXis like turn them self off and on kind of thing depending on power usage??? Have you tried on just one PSU?
The PSU cable change made a massive difference for me. Massive!!

1200 AXi are the worsed Corsair high end PSU by far sadly. Don't believe a word of reveiws etc just test em your self. In SF we changed AXi for AX for much more stable power. In 8Pack builds I used AX not AXi again after testing experience. Corsair have sadly removed AX from there product catalogue now.
Have you ran any synthetic benchmarks at stock mate? Can't see how the CPU would be duff. It does seem that with adding the extra card it's a load issue but those two PSU's split shouldn't have a problem. I can send you my 1500W enermax Revo if you want for a few days. It's split rail (30A over four) but if one of your corsairs is a bit under the weather it might help to diagnose.

Above as Ian says I had trouble with my 1200Ai, it squeels and a few other people were having issues with 3 cards falling over where the AX1200 wouldn't of even batted an eyelid. I'm not sure who makes them now, but it's definitely not Seasonic.
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Must admit that's something I'm now missing on the 900D is a rear fan behind the VRMS. Not sure just how much difference it's making. For a case of this size I'm surprised they have't put a mount there
Can you up the voltage to the pci lanes?

What kind of crash are you getting, bsod or system lock up?

All sorts but the main problem is bsod, the problem with bsod is there are several different ones I get and I don't get a chance to write the errors down as the system restarts to quick.

The PSU cable change made a massive difference for me. Massive!!

1200 AXi are the worsed Corsair high end PSU by far sadly. Don't believe a word of reveiws etc just test em your self. In SF we changed AXi for AX for much more stable power. In 8Pack builds I used AX not AXi again after testing experience. Corsair have sadly removed AX from there product catalogue now.


3 x 290Xs had no problem flooring a single 1200i, that's why I have only two GPUs on each one. The 1200i is rubbish but it can handle two 290Xs and a CPU. Will try swap PSU cables in the morning.

Have you ran any synthetic benchmarks at stock mate? Can't see how the CPU would be duff. It does seem that with adding the extra card it's a load issue but those two PSU's split shouldn't have a problem. I can send you my 1500W enermax Revo if you want for a few days. It's split rail (30A over four) but if one of your corsairs is a bit under the weather it might help to diagnose.

Above as Ian says I had trouble with my 1200Ai, it squeels and a few other people were having issues with 3 cards falling over where the AX1200 wouldn't of even batted an eyelid. I'm not sure who makes them now, but it's definitely not Seasonic.

If I leave the system alone idling at it's stock 4.0ghz on the CPU/mobo it will bsod with 4 cards turned on.
With all the heat those gpu's produce is it possible that the mobo's vrm's are overheating?? Could test by directing some fans at them, front and rear.


The CPU can run @4.9 stable with three cards running but when I turn on the bottom card the CPU is not even stable @4.0 idling for an extended period.

I would defo try something to rule it out, without looking I'm sure Kaap's roof fans are extracting, so basically dragging all that hot air over them, can't be good!!

All four roof fans and all three fans at the front are intake, I am not using any internal case rads so heat is not a problem.
I think event viewer in windows should be able to give you the bsod codes.

Edit: if it helps I recently had random bsod codes, firstly it was my ram failing followed by the psu not handling the components in my system, fresh ram and a new psu its flawless.
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