9 Sep 2003
Does anyone know of any FPS games that can be played COOP over a lan?

Ive managed to get FarCry COOP working but there are still bugs in it.

I bought unreal 2 as I heard it had one but then found out only on the xbox version

Why dont more games have this option :(
Ive got Serious Sam SE but havent had chance to give it a go yet :)

Ive got Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising too, ill give it a try?

Does Venshira co-op let you play through HL2 coop?? :eek:

I thought H&D & Splinter Cell were great games, didnt realise they had COOP, ill have to get a copy :D

Thanks guys, keep them coming if you know of any more ;)
I hope Advanced War Fighter has, that looks really good.

Thanks for the in depth reply turbotoes..much appreciated :) I will def have a look at all of those.

I enjoy storyline COOP games so much more than deathmatch (though deathmatch does have its moments too)
OK, thanks guys..going to get a copy of Operation Flashpoint :)

Does anyone know if Halo 2 has LAN coop on the PC? It seems that Halo 1 doesnt but no sure about 2...
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