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FPS limiters: RTSS VS NVCP input lag and frametimes

31 Dec 2008
Yeah reflex limits fps at 115 for me on a 120hz screen.
That being said if you really want to limit fps even lower than just under your displays refresh rate it works fine now as opposed to when frame generation launched which was causing massive input lag.



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Bit old this now but a good read and probably still relevant:

With frame generation, things are a bit more complex though, well, as in, apparently you shouldn't be enabling any fps cap since reflex does this for you.
Apart from in Cyberpunk where the menus will run at 400fps+ but go back into game and it levels down to what it should be. I have the game set to 139fps, and in the menus it sticks to that. With path tracing enabled without FG it's 80fps or more or less by a tiny bit. With FG enabled it sits comfortably at 103 to 120fps typical. Both instances input latency is low anyway so I just leave FG off most times now.

The menus running at 400fps+ is even with reflex enabled (it is always enabled for me regardless of using FG or not). So in some games Reflex locking the fps to below refresh rate doesn't work, as in this game where it ramps to 400fps in the menus, so the manual limit in game is necessary.

I do not use vsync in game or in NVCP as it's not necessary. Just making sure my settings allow for the game to run at no more than 140fps, which is easily done in most games whether maxing out settings, or using DLDSR.
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