FPS Mice..

13 Feb 2004
South Shields
I'm not sure this is in the right forum.. but..

I'm after a new mouse.

As far as I can see its between -

The G5
The G7
The MX518

Which one would you guys recommend?

I know there have been a few threads.. and yes I have searched but the findings are inconclusive, even the link to the reviews didn't help much.

If you had to choose which would it be, I'm looking for a personal opinion of a user of any of these mice.

I'm leaning towards the Deathadder.. and then the copperhead.
I just need that final push!

bakes0310 said:
Well ive just ordered the above :)

Dear victims
You will all die on tuesday on css and dods by my skill and the deathadder the worlds most deadly combination.

Yours sincerly
Bakes0310 the god among men

I've just ordered the same..
I was very tempted to get an IceMat Black from a competitor but I opted for the ExactMat due to Razer developing both the mouseI'm gettin and the mat.

Hopefully they'll work well together..
As I said though.. pics and opinions when I get the order on Tuesday :)
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