FPS That I can play on my own/with a team.

30 Nov 2011

I fancy giving a FPS a go on PC with mouse and keyboard (I normally use 360 controller for games)

So I would like something that is not ridiculous competitive and I can just jump right into. I watched a few vids on CO:GO but it seems totally teamwork based and very competitive. When ive played the likes of COD/Titanfall with mates on 360/One Im typically a run and gun player even in team deathmatch I rarely stick with people.

Spec is in sig and im gaming at 1080p.

Yeah ive played boarderlands 1 and 2 story mode (not finished either). All my mates have xbox ones no PCs or even laptops in site anymore all got tablets haha. Dirtybomb is just installing now so Ill give that a blast first.
Had a few games on DirtyBomb. Suprisingly was finishing middle of the pack after never playing a game with mouse and keyboard before. It will take some serious getting used to especially with the sprinting while running etc. All muscle memory I suppose I found myself looking at the keyboard to press R to reload etc.
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