FPS where you don't get upgrades

6 May 2009
Are there any new FPS games that don't require you play them for hundreds of hours to earn new weapons? I am sick of playing recent games and starting off with a pistol and not much else when everyone else has everything and easily wins

I'm thinking on the lines of a new COD 1, COD 2, MOHAA or SOF 2. I did used to play Quake live but found it a little too fast for me.

I loved SOF 2 and MOHAA but they do look a little dated now - but there is a reason many people still play them
Thanks. I actually bought Insurgency but never installed it for some reason (probably playing something else)
Started installing now and should be done in 10 mins :)

TOXIKK does look pretty good too but probably too many 'future weapons' for me. I like the good old rifle type games.

I have Red Orcestra 2 too (not tu tu!) so will try that again
Red Orchestra 2 multiplayer was a great recommendation.

The graphics, sound and general feel of the game are fantastic. You actually have to run and prone instantly behind something when shot at otherwise you will end up dead. I did find a great sniper place in a warehouse and picked off 20 people being being spotted. Picking people off at 100m+ is fun :)
Best thing is tripwire are leaving the eastern front and going to Vietnam for the next one. I am really really looking forward to that. Lets hope they release it a little better this time as R02 suffered a little (although it ran dandy on my rig)

I've just been playing on a vietnam / jungle style map. Was fun crawling around in the swamps

It ran like total rubbish the last time I played it on my Q6600, ATI card (5770 maybe) combo. With 4790k and 780 Ti it runs much nicer!
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