29 Jan 2019
hi guys sorry if this is in the wrong place.
I have recently purchased a new 1440p 165hz monitor after my 1080p monitor broke, on my 1080p I was hitting around 120fps on call of duty warzone, but with the new one I'm only hitting around 60 to 70 fps.
My set up is
Radeon RX 590 gpu
Ryzen 5 2600
16gb ram
Is my pc not powerful enough to hit higher fps or am I missing something
correct....your GPU can not do 120 fps anymore as it is now running 3.6 million pixels instead of 2 million.

You need to lower settings or upgrade GPU.

To give you an idea I have mine all set to max (but no ray tracing) and I have it capped at 100 FPS so it never drops below that in any map ever....that's with a 2070s at 1440p in mw4/warzone

have you tried dropping the render resolution down to 1900x1080?

wont look as good but should run the same and save you having to buy a new gpu for now...

I play on a 4k monitor/tv but run it at 1440p otherwise I get 60 FPS as 4k is 8 Million pixels.
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correct....your GPU can not do 120 fps anymore as it is now running 3.6 million pixels instead of 2 million.

You need to lower settings or upgrade GPU.

To give you an idea I have mine all set to max (but no ray tracing) and I have it capped at 100 FPS so it never drops below that in any map ever....that's with a 2070s at 1440p in mw4/warzone
Ahhh so guess il be playing on 60 fps untill I find a new gpu then. Thanks for your help
So your 1920x1080 monitor was asking your graphics card to render 2,073,600 pixels per frame. Your 1440p Monitor, usually 2560x1440p is 3,686,400 Pixels per frame. That's 1.6 million more pixels per frame. Nearly double the amount. To get about 50-60% of the FPS sounds completely normal.
Thanks guys I just wanted to check that it was my gpu, what gpu would you guys recomend to help me hit over 100 fps

5700XT is a good bet if you want to stay AMD, but if you can tough it out until towards the end of the year the new Radeon and Nvidia cards will be out around September or October and even if they're too rich for your budget they are also expected to push prices down of existing cards too.
5700XT is a good bet if you want to stay AMD, but if you can tough it out until towards the end of the year the new Radeon and Nvidia cards will be out around September or October and even if they're too rich for your budget they are also expected to push prices down of existing cards too.

I think il wait then. I will turn render resolution to 1080, I tied it and it looks OK tbh and getting good fps.
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