*Fractured Space*

15 Nov 2009
South east
Similar to dreadnaught only playable now!
Do you like ships?
Do you like team combat?
Lasers going pew pew and missiles going boom? Then look no further!

5v5 ship to ship combat fighting over resources, currently in Alpha but playable via steam and currently on sale!



Been playing for a day so don't take my word for it, but I'm having a blast and it looks quite pretty.

Tip: you only need to buy the forerunner package, The Harbinger Pack is just skins and a future XP bonus which you can decide to go for closer to the time unless of course you wish to support the developer further

A great range of ships so far that all have their unique gameplay, team composition is pretty random and can make for interesting changes in how you approach your enemies.
Some customisation although being an Alpha game currently not all customisation options are as good as they could be (or indeed too good) but it makes little difference if you play right!
See you out there ;)
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well it's not an mmo or sandbox game, its a 5v5 team based space ship moba I guess would be the only way to describe it. So while it doesn't have the scale or intricacy of EvE the pvp is pretty damn solid and you control your ship fully (up/down/forward/back/strafe left-right)
Saw this on FB earlier and had to give a mocking reply. The advert started with "if you like huge space battles" then goes on to say 5v5. lol

Does look quite pretty though.
Yep! We're currently having a free weekend, everyone who plays between now and the end of Sunday will get to keep the game forever (and will get the special Jingles crew member when we release it shortly afterwards).

The game has come some way since we first launched in Early Access, though we're still in Alpha technically. Jump in and tell us what you think on the forums! :)

Despite being very early this is a very fun game. Its pretty confusing at first as there isnt a huge wealth of information and tutorial style stuff out there yet but just ask in chat and generally you'll get assistance. So far the community has been great.

The game has a really promising framework and Im certainly looking forward to where its going.
Anyone still playing? Been joining random games by myself but it gets tiring since I haven't seen anyone actually communicate.
I got this the other day, only played a couple of rounds/matches. I'm up far a blast

No idea how to chat in game though, has it voip in built?
I got this the other day, only played a couple of rounds/matches. I'm up far a blast

No idea how to chat in game though, has it voip in built?

In the embedded YT tutorial video the developer said there was but I haven't heard anything. Plus I'd probably be better off using TS.
You need to type currently to communicate i believe.

Yep. We'll be adding other methods soon though (map pinging, quick-chat commands like "need help in Beta", as well as eventually in-built voip).

In the mean time we have a free teamspeak server you can use if you're playing with friends:

Server: TS3.fracturedspace.com / Server IP:

Tried this on the free weekend but just started getting into this. The ships look great but it takes a bit of getting used to in terms of what each ship can take on.
Tried this on the free weekend but just started getting into this. The ships look great but it takes a bit of getting used to in terms of what each ship can take on.

Yeah, IMO the ships are very balanced atm, with each having strengths/weaknesses (except for the equalizer - that ship just seemed useless :p). It's also very tactical, with some... unusual manoeuvres possible (such as using a harpoon on one of your own slow ships to speed them up ;))

Been playing a lot since the free weekend, my favourite ships are the frigate and disruptor (definitely prefer the faster ships, although the destroyer can be quite satisfying as well).

Managed to get all my friends into it as well :)

Added bonus is it looks ****ing amazing @ 3440x1440 (click for full res)



Haven't unlocked as many ships as you so far but my favs at the moment have been the Corvette being reasonable in speed, but recently I'm favouring the Revenant Reaper for speed and greater attack strengths.

Bumped into you in game last night or the night before, I play as o0sugar-rush0o but I had an OK game and a not so good game. Like you say it's tactical and a slip up in concentration can see the balance of power shift pretty quick.

I just have the one monitor but at 2560 x 1440, still looks great.

I'm discovering new stuff each time, recently discovered with the RR that you can send the attack fighters on to defend someone else so was pleased to discover that as it can take a while to fly the length of alpha or beta.

Hope we don't loose too much when the account wipes happen.

Haven't unlocked as many ships as you so far but my favs at the moment have been the Corvette being reasonable in speed, but recently I'm favouring the Revenant Reaper for speed and greater attack strengths.

Bumped into you in game last night or the night before, I play as o0sugar-rush0o but I had an OK game and a not so good game. Like you say it's tactical and a slip up in concentration can see the balance of power shift pretty quick.

I just have the one monitor but at 2560 x 1440, still looks great.

I'm discovering new stuff each time, recently discovered with the RR that you can send the attack fighters on to defend someone else so was pleased to discover that as it can take a while to fly the length of alpha or beta.

Hope we don't loose too much when the account wipes happen.

Haha, hi again :)

Yeah, had a few poor games last night :(

Lots of new players (which is cool - we were all new once) but none communicating or listening to the more experienced players (which gets frustrating :p)

The Reaper is cool - was my top choice before I unlocked the Frigate, but I love the manoeuvrability (can solo destroyers just by flying rings round them - their guns can't track you quick enough :D)
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