Framerate issues

11 Jul 2011
Maybe this should be in the BF1 section but thought it may be hardware specific

I just upgraded
I5 6600k (returned i7 to save money)
16Gb ripjaw 2400mhz RAM
GTX 1070 Founders

Sammy 256gb ssd

I'm running into issues with frames dipping on BF1 i have it set to vsync which limits to 60fps for one good reason - At the moment I'm gaming on a 42inch sony flat screen.

in the settings its max refresh is 59.9mhz and I'm seeing dips of 58fps which shouldn't be happening

Take off vysnc and that fps doubles but i get the usual tearing as my screen cant cope with the refresh.

Also i keep getting the low fps icon pop up in game it looks like an orange exclamation mark if anyone hasn't seen it before.

I'm thinking its not a hardware problem but due to the screen I'm using. Would i be right here?

I'm going to invest in an ultrawide somewhere down the line but after paying out £1200 on PC stuff already the wife will no doubt burn it alive with one of her bras if i spend another £700

I thought i was going to be alright running on a tv for a little while as it was fine with a 970 last time.
11 Jul 2011
No overclocks nope pointless for the gains 5-10fps meh

Yeah must be a bug as it doesn't happen in BF4 in BF1 I'm constantly getting the icon as well as packet loss icon even though I'm on wired Ethernet so something is fishy there.

I think it must be the game detecting that I'm going over the fps and its trying to lock it down via v sync with the refresh rate of the TV

I need a monitor but I've spent too much already and too much to spend in November too so lets see if i can get a black Friday deal around Christmas :D

Pretty harsh sitting 2 feet from a 42inch wall mounted tv but ahh well i'll get a suntan out of it.
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