Framework/Service for managing/deploying multiple custom variations of Python/Flask based software

24 Jul 2009
Lost in Alps

Probably not correct sub forum, but seemed most appropriate.

Very interested in guidance on best practices, cloud frameworks or services to help manage multiple (potential hundreds) custom variations of Python/Flask software for deployment to cloud.

Traditionally one solution could have been a config file that determines correct class instance according to logged-on client at runtime, but this runtime solution doesnt address supporting the deployment of custom variants to a client instance, nor does it easily help identify the code variants associated with a client.

I'm thinking in this day of cloud, FaaS (function as a service) etc there must be smarter ways. Grateful for any input from OcUKers
In the absence of an avalanche of advice, I would suggest searching for Configuration Management (CM) solutions to start with as this seems to be at the heart of your question - for example, does a solution like Ansible sound relevant to what you're looking at solving? I don't claim any up-to-date or in-depth expertise here though, I just have a vague awareness.
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