freak hailstorm heading my way

23 May 2006
I just had a message from work that a freak hail storm is heading my way. its 20 miles away so far and i hope it peters out before then.

Does anyone with solar panels have any experience of large hail and did it cause any damage? apparently these are marble sized but it gets me thinking about a storm we had when i was a kid with golfball sized hail which dented cars & destroyed green houses and carports
it petered out and didnt make my town :) my friends car got pelted 20 miles from me but from what she can tell no visible dents . i just had horrible winter rain.

however it has got me thinking about hail and solar panels!.
Depends on the panels but usually they are rated to withstand up to ~3cm sized hail which we rarely get in this country.

We had some fairly heavy hail here yesterday but it didn't really do any damage that I'm aware of.
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