Free 12months Internet from Apple store iPhone

3 May 2004
Could anyone tell me if I put my old PAYG sim from my iphone 3g to my 3gS, will I still get the 12 months free Internet? The Apple store guy said it's encoded in the phone rather than the sim card. Is this correct.

Just got the 32gb in white and it's better looking than my black one IMHO.
Yep, as Concorde said it's tied to the sim, not the phone. Why the Apple guy told you that I really don't know, unless you misunderstood him because I've always (in my experience) found the guys to be reasonably knowledgeable.

No he didn't mid-unterstand. He was young though.
Just got my number transfered today. Completed on-line form 9:00pm Wednesday transferred Thursday 10:00am along with a message telling me the free 12 months internet is now active. Now that's quick service.:D

Also my 3Gs feels quicker than my 3G, particualry loading programs and the Safari browser.
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