Free At Last!

10 Dec 2003
So, a lot of you have read my posts over the last 7 weeks and I've been having a very difficult time here in China after my initial 6 months of nothing but amazing times.

But, I'm 22 and one day I knew the struggles of having my own place and living on my own were gonna catch up and I'd have to learn to adjust and deal with it.

Well, I can safely and proudly say I didn't give up and go home, I stayed and fought against it and now, finally, after 7 weeks I am free of worry. I have an apartment, payed bills, food, money and free time.

I still don't have a job, but that's ok for now. I will have a job in the next few weeks leading up to the new school term.

So, I just thought I'd give an update to those who want to know. I've been on the rollercoaster, it was crazy but, all in all, I came out of it with much more experience and knowledge.

Finally, hell has frozen over. Until next time. :eek: :p

So, I think I'll go out and PARTY tonight. Relax, free of worry, for the first time in 7 weeks. Phew, what a ride. :D
Have you heard back about your job offer? The last I read was that you were still waiting to hear back from the boss who was deciding on whether or not you will get the job or not.

Any news?
sunama said:
Have you heard back about your job offer? The last I read was that you were still waiting to hear back from the boss who was deciding on whether or not you will get the job or not.

Any news?

Still none. I haven't got a clue what they're doing to be honest, and I'm going to just forget about it. I'll get in touch with them at the weekend and ask what's going on. If I don't get an answer there and then, I'll just wait and if they offer me it at a later date, then that's a bonus.

I'm looking elsewhere at the moment. :)
I've read your blog, and I've gotta say it's frankly awesome. I can't imagine the amount of self-reliance needed to move out of home to somewhere far enough away that you can't get someone to help you easily.

I wish you the best of luck for the future though, and I hope you get that awesome job you want :) .
I hope you get the job but personally I thought you went way over the top.
You went to be a language teacher and ended up making the boss look thick.
In my opinion you should have been just a language teacher, have a the same hobby as him and after you get the job offer up the other advice.
(Some) Bosses don't like smart arses.
fieldy said:
lol only for like 5-6 months :D
anyway hope things get better for you dude enjoy!

Been here for 6 months and it looks like I will be staying here past the date I originally planned (July 07). Probably more like the Summer of 2008 I will return to England.

I will go home for 1 month in July though, after my mother visits me here.

Funding came from myself. Debt. I didn't want to borrow. I've been very clever about it and found some kind of loophole I'll be keeping to myself! :p

dmpoole, I understand what you're saying and I agree. But, I think they want someone to be/act honest as opposed to someone who sits there and tells them what they want to hear. The guy seemed like the kind of person who preffered the honest, up front truth. So I gave it.
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Hey you!!

There was bound to be some struggle, good to see you got through it :)

I still think you are missing out on some business opportunities there, one guy imports a container every month full of stuff for his customers.

He charges customers like a £30-£200 joining fee and makes a % on each order they make. He sells the memberships on eBay. Offering guaranteed goods for probably a few pennies more per item so people go to him.

That is just one example. Perhaps sell on eBay? Items you don't have, that you can get and sell on at a low price better than competitors ~ this will help your income for sure!

Good luck ~ keep us updated! :D
Macabre said:
Good to see.

You speak Chinese?

wo hui shuo yi dian, ni ne?

Zain, there are probably lots of oppertunities for me to make money here, but things aren't as simple as back home. It definitely won't be easy for me to ship out a whole load of things at once. The Chinese government makes everything so incredibly difficult.

I can speak a little Chinese, but not enough to deal with containing shipping and stuff. Maybe I can ask a Chinese friend to look into it for me. It's definitely something I've thought about a few times before.
OvertoneBliss said:
wo hui shuo yi dian, ni ne?

Zain, there are probably lots of oppertunities for me to make money here, but things aren't as simple as back home. It definitely won't be easy for me to ship out a whole load of things at once. The Chinese government makes everything so incredibly difficult.

I can speak a little Chinese, but not enough to deal with containing shipping and stuff. Maybe I can ask a Chinese friend to look into it for me. It's definitely something I've thought about a few times before.

祝好運! Good luck with everything! Be sure to check out Beijing 2008. :cool:
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