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10 Sep 2003
... rather than just post the link i've tried to make a little challenge out of it (I've had a stab at making it tricky but i'm not very good at making quizes, hey ho)

Replace xx, yy and zz with the answers to the following criptic clues. The pairs could be any combination of two alpha-numeric characters. For example, 2 numbers, 1 number and 1 letter or two letters.

xx Discovered during its periodic appearance on 1/1/1801
yy Paper or cardboard, size doesn't really matter
zz The son of Iapetus and Themis may have inspired a famous classical composer

Try and work it out rather than just plugging in random combinations, I will reveal the correct link at some point if no-one can decipher my attempt at the clues at which point it will be a race to see who can click the link first :D
Cerium /ˈsɪəriəm/ is a chemical element with the symbol Ce and atomic number 58. It is a soft, silvery, ductile metal which easily oxidizes in air. Cerium was named after the dwarf planet Ceres

the dwarf planet discovered on 1/1/1801

he reffered to the date as beeing a periodic apearance which was the clue really.

i usually dont bother with these as someone has usually done them by time you work it out anyway im amazed no one else already got it, i was going to have a go this morning but decided someone probably had got it and never said anyway

Congrats and well worked out. I didn't know if I'd made it too cryptic :D Hope you enjoyed this little quiz.

1. Cerium /ˈsɪəriəm/ is a chemical element with the symbol Ce and atomic number 58. It is a soft, silvery, ductile metal which easily oxidizes in air. Cerium was named after the dwarf planet Ceres. Ceres, formally 1 Ceres, is the largest object in the asteroid belt and the only dwarf planet in the inner Solar System.[18][19][20] It was discovered on 1 January 1801 by Giuseppe Piazzi

2. A4 paper, a paper size prevalent in many countries (210 × 297 mm), defined in the ISO 216 international standard

3. In Greek mythology, Prometheus is a Titan, the son of Iapetus and Themis. The Creatures of Prometheus (German: Die Geschöpfe des Prometheus, Op. 43) is a ballet composed in 1801 by Ludwig van Beethoven
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