Free Curry


went for the chicken one :D cheers
Went for chicken, coconut swayed me. Thanks for the heads up, OP can I have your address should this curry make me ill? I'll post you the results :D
inb4 disappointment by email with something like "due to high demand, we're unable to supply your free sample" :p

ilumi :eek: i think i just gave my email addy to the new world order :o it'l be packed with GM shizzle that will fry my genes... oh noes :(
Awesome! Went for the chickpea one. Correct me if I'm wrong but the chickpea one is vegan? That's pretty good, they should advertise that on the pack.
Thanks, went for the Chicken one myself! Think I'm going to have to get one for the Missus one too or they'll be hell to pay. :D
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