Free games - From bundle

29 Dec 2007
Free games:

Magicka Wizard Wars Exclusive Staff and Blade- TAKEN

Company of Heroes™ - TAKEN

Age of Empires II HD Edition: The Forgotten Expansion - TAKEN

Medieval II: Total War™ - TAKEN

Cities in Motion 2 - TAKEN

SMITE Loki Pack - PCLK2287564F50602

SMITE Xbox One Closed Beta - 9M6Q3-JJK7J-QKWD2-GC739-9646Z

World of Warships Closed Beta Key - F93KM-F4PM7-H2EVN-WN3EH

World of Tanks Invite Code - RMSZX-RW3FA-GNVWU-4ZNZG

World of Warships Bonus Content -M539P-AMGGR-DFBGY-7UUYF

Warframe 7-day Credit and Affinity Booster Packs - BC21-9893-C5B6-9140

Twitch Turbo

Comment if you take one so people know.

Have fun :)
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Sorry guys if people have taken without posting :(

Any chance you could say which ones so I can remove them from the first post?

People will take them without saying thanks, you should have not posted the serials and instead asked people what they want first come first serve.

Nevermind though, karma will come and give them AIDS at some point, hopefully. :cool:

Ah well, like you say 'What goes around comes around!"

At least a couple of people got a couple of games :)
People should stop posting codes and just post the games they want to give away. If someone then wants the game they send a trust message for the code. Don't get me wrong, I think it's very generous that people wish to give their games away to the community, it just that anybody who are not even members of this forum can steal the codes. It's also why we have a proper section for giving games away.

I just don't have time to individually trust each code off to people else that's what I would.of done. People got some games, I gave to charity. Everybody wins (although it would.of been nice of people posted what they had taken). :)
Thanks for the gesture fella.

I also wonder how many of those who took a code genuinely wanted that game and are going to play it.

I bet many just saw the word FREE and almost wet themselves at the speed they tried to redeem the codes. The game will then sit their unplayed forever!

Yeah, I don't have most of these myself but I knew that if I'd claimed them then they would have just done what you said... Sat there unplayed. Hopefully a few people.will get some enjoyment out of the ones they have claimed :)
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