Free keys

26 Jan 2011
Hi, guys and girls.

I have some spare keys from a few Humble Bundles. These are first come, first serve. Please leave a comment to say what you've redeemed.

Might & Magic Heroes Online - Angel Starter Pack - MMH-Y9IX-B1Z4-M4QP-6WUR

Company of Heroes - LBD5Z-HT59V-4YW9B

World of Tanks Invite Code (no idea what's included, and I think it's only for new accounts) - RMSZH-VB5HY-BN48C-GW8FN

WildStar Standard Edition - 9DC3U24R61JN5ZG9XT0L

Magicka Wizard Wars Exclusive Staff and Blade - N09EK-JWKK9-QJDG0
Taken Company of Heroes, thank you!

Entered my code! Didn't say error, so all good.

No problem. Enjoy the games! :D

Nice. I used to do giveaways like this on another site. I have 32! keys I don't need. Maybe I should do one here. I hate it when people try to sell them.

It's worth doing if you have a load of keys you want rid of. I figure this is better than them sitting there unused...
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