Free mac virtual machine

If you could switch that around so I can run a VM instance of a mac OS in XP I'd be very interested.
Yes, wrong forum, maybe you should use a PC for a while, it'll teach you not to be too hasty before you click OK!!! ;)
Oh my...

I'm don't want this to turn into a "why you shouldn't click OK on every single popup you see on your PC" thread, the OP is asking about XP VMware on mac hardware...hang on....maybe I should.

If you have clicked OK on everything that pops up on your PC without checking what you are Ok'ing, I'm suprised your PC is still booting fine.
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Oooh, I've just been transported into the mac forum.
Time for a strategic withdrawal

Ahh, my PC was just infected with a virus, excuse me while I purge my system.

*walks away as he uninstalls iTunes and reinstates the latest build of Foobar & Anapod Explorer.*

All in good fun folks. ;)
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