Free management software for Windows PCs?

27 Sep 2009
My family has a few Windows PCs that I'd like to manage. They are not connected to AD as that's overkill, but I'd like to see their Windows Updates, antivirus, backup status etc.
Pulseway looks good but very pricey. Any free alternatives?
Ad isn't overkill. Takes 30 minds to have a basic config in place. If you have a license for server, I'd still go that route over any other.
thirded... a DC would add a PITA / complication, for home pcs make the people responsible for backing up their data, doing it for them just makes them assume its always going to be backed up without them doing anything... AV/ updates generally just work user just need training to NOT ignore error messages...
Seconded. Sorry but you are suggesting a full blown Domain Controller to manage a few PC's?

If you have a server license and some spare kit/ a vm, why not?

It's ridiculously simple to setup and gives you more control, should you want it, than almost any other single piece of software you could recommend.

Only have 4 desktops/laptops, but with ad all the family can log onto any with the same creds, and with the same profiles. There's no overkill in that when it took 30 mins to configure (next next next, and a couple of gp settings, join domain on boxes... Job done).
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You've left out upgrading all PCs that are using W10 Home to Pro. And there's zero indication that the OP already has a server licence. So what you're suggesting is not a cheap solution as required by the OP.
Hence why I said "if you have a license." You're on a forum of pc enthusiasts, many of whom probably work with AD every day and aren't scared of it. Even more so when posting in the Servers and Enterprise forums. ;)
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