13 Aug 2006 at 10:05 #1 A[L]C A[L]C Soldato Joined 18 Oct 2002 Posts 7,507 Location Maidenhead Hi all, Does anyone know of any free games which are network multiplayer and will run on a 1.8ghz p4 mobile with 256ram and a mobility radeon 7500. Thanks
Hi all, Does anyone know of any free games which are network multiplayer and will run on a 1.8ghz p4 mobile with 256ram and a mobility radeon 7500. Thanks
13 Aug 2006 at 19:58 #9 A[L]C A[L]C Soldato OP Joined 18 Oct 2002 Posts 7,507 Location Maidenhead ajgoodfellow said: Grand Theft Auto 1 & 2 Click to expand... is that multiplayer? Thanks everyone for your suggestions...
ajgoodfellow said: Grand Theft Auto 1 & 2 Click to expand... is that multiplayer? Thanks everyone for your suggestions...
13 Aug 2006 at 21:15 #13 A[L]C A[L]C Soldato OP Joined 18 Oct 2002 Posts 7,507 Location Maidenhead cyborg said: Surely half life and all its mods, including CS 1.6 Click to expand... half life is free? where? also, anyone know of any free ones like red alert?
cyborg said: Surely half life and all its mods, including CS 1.6 Click to expand... half life is free? where? also, anyone know of any free ones like red alert?