FREE PHP and MYSQL Webservers



8 Nov 2003
I've started playing a browser based game called OGame now and again but have come to the conclusion that having a database would make playing this game casually a lot easier. I started keeping notes on paper > then notepad > then MS word and now MS access. The problem is it takes time to enter data and i have now started making mistakes.
I have found many people use an online webserver to host a PHP and MYSQL database with with a FireFox extension that sends ALL the required galaxy information automatically.

My problem is that i don't have a PHP and MYSQL webserver but it has come to my attention that there are free ones online that i could use.
I've had a quick search but need to know the better ones to use. I'm sure there are lots of people here who know more about this than i do. Whats the best webby to use? If i can get 10 MB that would be great.
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