Free PHP/SQL/JQUERY Dev Equity Available

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1 Mar 2006

i have an idea for a website that i think could make a lot of money as long as its marketed well, now i see nothing else like this online

however i do not have the skills i need to code this myself nor the money to do this

so i am looking for a PHP/SQL/JQUERY Developer (preferably with MVC knowledge) to make this idea come to life

all information (Specs Etc) would be shared under NDA, i intend to start a LTD company with shared equity and offer equity to the developer (up to 20-25%)

i wouldn't normally ask things like this , neither do i really want to give away part of my idea however needs must

so if you would like to help please let me know :D
haha i like it, however NDA's are there to stop people stealing good ideas

i would rather not tell someone my whole idea with specs and images, for them to just cut me out of the deal

so i would like some kind of legal standpoint

i guess the website would fall under gaming/gambling, would be moderatly difficult and would require a fair amount of traffic to work bare minimum of players at any one time would be 30-35
Is it virtual horse racing, with live skype feeds to ensure they're properly dressed up as horses and are ragging their chairs appropriately?

I can see why you would want to keep that a secret.
equity to the developer (up to 20-25%)

So basically, what you're looking for is someone willing to do virtually ALL of the work for months on end without pay, in return for UP to 25% of a company that may or may not be successful... eventually?

If you're dealing with gambling and money, you're going to need a damn good developer(s) and a heck of a lot of time before you can put anything out to the public.
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If you're dealing with gambling and money, you're going to need a damn good developer(s) and a heck of a lot of time before you can put anything out to the public.

the idea was to award points to the winners which they can cash out via a Paypal payment process in the backround, same in reverse for deposits
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