Free "unlimited" online storage space

18 Oct 2002
Stumbled accross this today:

Seems to be totally free online storage space. I'm not sure how unlimited "unlimited" really is though. It seems to be provided by I've run a quick search and can't find any other threads than mention it.

Anyone heard of this before? Used it before? Are there any catches? I'm uploading a few files now as a backup. Nothing that I don't mind others seeing (mainly work and photos) but so far so good :)
I must be getting old and cynical, but I refuse to believe there isn't a catch with this. especially considering the connection with Pipex! Having said that, I've got my domain through them.
It will basically mean unlimited until they deem you are using it too much, the same with almost all other unlimited offerings.
There's also a nice little bit in the T&Cs that states if you share any content then HUMYO have a right to use, edit and display any of your content worldwide on a royalty free basis.
Use it to mirror those large files :)

I have had a play and I am fairly impressed. It even has a utility to transfer files from HTTP to your storage area. Transferred a 200mb file from a 100mbit box in UK @ 50mbit :)
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I will accept the condition for HUMYO to use, edit and display any of my aes256 encrypted files worldwide on a royalty free basis. :p
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fluff said:
You can't use it to host a website but you can use it to host downloads.

That's what I mean, you could stick something on their servers, send someone a normal link and they can download it?
Ol!ver said:
Anyone know exactly how unlimited this is then? Can you upload a full HDD backup for instance?

Apparently so. But note that you are agreeing that whatever you upload is theirs to do with as they see fit.

As for the speed of it, I can't get much more than 700 KB/s out of it. That's slow for me, I'm used to 2,000+ KB/s :p
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