free websites?

26 Aug 2010

thinking about setting up a web site.

i know nothing about setting one up

are the free ones any good, will people be able to find me if they type in on google gardener in my area or other areas that i cover.

could you guys recommend me any good free ones.

or if there no good, were to go for one i need to pay for

any advice appreciate

lol no im at my mates house now

i know i have to do a lot of reading up on it because i really dont have a clue about it at all

i understand what your saying stoke1863 same with anything there are cowboys

the guy i know does not maintain them he just does the design of the and the layout. probably would have to do the rest myself

the main thing im bothered about is weather or not that if i do a search in google in going to be near the top
ive made i site (or started) from the link FabienO posted.

it does seem basic which is probably a good starting point for me.

its got a login site were it has a stencil so i can add what i want and the lay out.

not sure yet if it has got SEO yet so yet to start figuring it out.

ill try get the site done over the next few days and then if im allowed to post it on here i would be great full if you could comment on it. help me with any wording or lay out etc

please bear in mind that im dyslexic and i really do struggle with stuff like this as you can probably tell from my wording ha ha
One word of warning don't spam your keyword in your content, it will do you more harm than good.

dont know what you mean by this bit.

ill take a read of that link. thanks mate.

if anyone is looking at getting a site up and does not have a clue like me. this yola that im on is great for beginners
You were "thinking" about doing this 20 hours ago and already you've got business cards made?

Do you not sleep?? :)

Anyway, website is looking good. I'd try and work your header text into your top image to reduce the height of the page.

At the moment your first line of content is below the middle of my screen...

Nija Edit: Oh, and sort out your image on your homepage. It's got a wee cross in the top right like you've just taken a screenshot of something and cropped it wrong.

Ha ha I've had the cards for a while. Been going three years now.

Ye i know what you mean about the banner. Just nipped out for a pint after all my hard work.

My mate wants me to make him one now ha ha

still a long way off i think. But for one day and a noob at it its ok

thanks for the in put
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