Freecp, DVB-T USB & Sky Eye compatibility

27 Jan 2005
Expat in HK
Just received the reknowned Freecom DVB-T USB stick to watch digital TV on my PC, but as i have a Sky Eye, i'm trying to get it so i can change channels with my Sky control upstairs. So far i've got all the digital channels, but i can't get the Sky channel upstairs.

Any ideas on what i need to scan for to get it, if indeed this is at all possible?
Well i figured out i needed to turn the RF output on. I have Ch68 as the RF number i need to get my Freecom USB working but alas i'm not sure how this number alone can be scanned for. Doing a bunch of scans now and hopeful something will turn up.
No WAY! That sucks big time. I guess i'll just have to sell it on eBay and get myself an analogue now. :(
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