Freelance Services

6 Feb 2003
I once came across a site where people could offer their design services and also where clients could put in requests for tenders.

It was mostly individuals doing the work not companies...does anyone know of anything like this.
Yes and the majority of the people who freelance from those sites are from India, easily underpricing the british developers out there, but as they say, you pay peanuts you get monkeys :D
yeah as AS_Platinum has said the freelance sites have gone done hill quickly over the last year or so as £200 to someone in India could be a months wages.

But is the odd person who knows what there doing and will avoide the India options. Your best bet would be to advertise locally or do designs for companies and show them what there site could be like.
Can anyone tell me about how I can get someone to freelance for me, esp overseas staff?

I sometimes get bogged under by work and the opportunity to outsource some of it would quite probably be most welcome!

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