
19 Jan 2005
Does anyone here freelance? At anything? I started a couple of weeks ago when this work came through for this place, it's writing copy for this company, won't go into it because I don't wanna get done but I'll just say there's a lot of it and I'm supposed to be paid per unit.

Basically I started and completed about 80 and I was emailed to say I was using inappropriate words that went against their rules, so I stopped using them and offered to fix any that were wrong, no reply. Then about a week later I got another email saying that I was using even more inappropriate descriptions (these aren't dirty by the way they're just adjectives they can't use) so I said ok sorry about that, let me know which ones and I'll fix them but I've already submitted loads of them and they probably contain the same words, no reply.

Now they're finding these older descriptions and saying that they're still having problems with me, I told them I'd already informed them but assured them that all the work I'd done since were ok. Now I've been told that I have to submit everything I do for checking first, given I'm being paid a very small amount and need to do at least 3 an hour to even make it worth it for me I haven't argued and have been reduced to doing only 4 or 5 for the whole day today.

So what I wanna know is, is this normal? can I expect this from everywhere if I freelance? You get told to start some work, do it, get told theres a problem with it (after it's already started) and then keep being accused of flaunting the rules. I already had my doubts about getting paid but they owe me about 500 quid for the work I've done and it just seems like they're preparing excuses for not to pay me, if they do do that, what can I do? I didn't sign a contract or anything, never met any of these people, it's just been emails and one phonecall. I can trace all the emails and the work I've done with dates and times proving that I wasn't informed of the rules and whatever until after I'd already started.

Sorry that's so long but it's proper getting me down, I feel like I'm just setting myself up to get jipped, am I?
I was told not to say "huge" about things so I stopped, then I got told I had to stop using other subjective things like "attractive" "stylish" and "ornate".

It's not that I've been told to stop using them, I don't mind that, it's that I wasn't told to start with, have stopped since yet I got an email yesterday (4 days after I told them that they would find others that had already been submitted) saying that they were "STILL having problems" with me and now I've been reduced to as I say, a few quid a day.

They gave me a list of words I could and could not use I might point out, but I was given this well after I started and there are some on there that they are complaining about.

They said I had to stick to the information I was given, and even though I have and some of the information I was given was equally as subjective as what they are complaining about but for some reason when their client says it, it somehow doesn't go against their misrepresentation act or whatever it is they say I am breaching.

I wish I could say more but knowing my luck they would find this and then use this as a reason not to pay me.

I have completed over 500 pounds worth of work, if they say that what I did didn't comply to rules they hadn't told me, does that mean they can get away with not paying me?

I well don't know what to do, theres still just as much chance as it will all be sorted and if it does I would carry on because when it gets going it's quite easy to make a decent living from it so I don't want to go all "you said this and I did that" kicking off with them and ruin the chance for further work but at the same time I don't want to be a pushover and just let them walk away with like 2 weeks of my work without paying.
I'd definitely agree with all of whats been said, not gonna pretend I'm such hot shot freelancer, this is my first proper paid assignment for someone else and I have no idea about the tax issues, invoicing or anything like that. I just saw an advert, applied and got the gig.

They said to invoice them at the end of the month, and as I said before, if all this can get sorted, which I reckon it could then I might be set for the next couple of months, it's hard to get the first gig and I am good at what I do. They've got to the point now where they're correcting my writing style and it definitely isn't better, it's just different. I reckong they're gonna say that because it needed changing I can't bill them for it.

I have a spreadsheet with about 3/4 of the ones I've done on and can easily add the rest of the ones on, there aren't many left from this portfolio or whatever so I think I'll just finish it and then bill them.

If I get to the end of the month and bill them for say 700 quid or whatever and they start kicking off about the amount I've done and whatever, what can I do with just the emails?
without anything else though I'll be stuck with no money whatsoever, I haven't got another assignment or anything. I was hoping (until yesterday) that I could use this one to at least get a recommendation from these on People Per Hour or something.
this has now been 33 days without payment of an invoice I stated payment expected within 30 days on.

Given the bank holidays and the royal wedding and whatever I've waited til today but now I can't see any reason why they haven't paid.

I invoiced them for quite a bit at the end of march and then left it, sent them a couple of emails probably a bit too quickly asking for payment and got no reply. Then about 2 weeks later I got an email from them saying that he has spoken to the accounts guy and been "reassured that all invoices are paid within 30 days of receiving them" and that ther was more work if I wanted it.

Given that I did put 30 days on the invoice and it had only been like 11, plus the end of the tax year and I'm probably not that far up the list of priorities etc. I thought why not, they hadn't kicked off about any of my work in a while, I'd been reassured that payment was coming and I didnt have anything else on.

But now its been 30 days, I've emailed them today with the invoice again and I wont be doing any more work for them, got some other work now but still, these owe me almost £1500, I've got a leg to stand on if I threaten them with legal action havent I?

Checked and it seems as though I have, only 100 quid or so to make a claim so definitely worth it.

What do you reckon?
I realised then when I was in the shower that they could have quite easily put a cheque in the post and it hasn't arrived yet.

I sort of hope this hasn't happened even though I'd be at least 800 quid up, just so I don't have to give a "oooh sorry nevermind" email.

If I haven't got a reply or a cheque in the post by this afternoon though I will be ringing them up.
don't really wanna say on here, bit public isn't it. And if they found it that would be a pretty good reason to whine about paying.
Indeed, if people want to know the company name they can message you...For now don't post it

When was the last time you asked for the payment? Today?

First of all, you don't know if its going to be a cheque or Bank transfer presumably? Which means you could be waiting a week regardless.

For the future though, always try and get a contract going, even if you create it yourself...Hell, spend some money to get it as tight as can be so people can't screw you over in the long run like this...Once you get a half decent rep behind you, you could even start asking for a pre-payment up front before any work is carried out.

Keep us posted matey

emailed them today, tried to keep it official and non threatening, "been 33 days since I issued you the invoice, here it is again, provided you with every request and document so I must ask that you pay up as soon as possible" no threats of legal action or anything yet.

yeah they never said if it would be cheque or online, you just assume online now don't you.

Still though, you'd think either way they'd at least tell me. If I was trying to scam someone I'd keep it going as long as possible rather than raise their suspicions immediately.

"no mate your cheque is definitely in the post" or "we'll definitely be paying you next week"

the fact that they just leave it confuses me, either they aren't concerned because they definitely are going to pay me and this is just a complete non issue for them or they've already scammed me.

That by the way says that your claim has to be against a maximum of 2 people, as this is a company and I've spoken to at least 3 people will I be able to use that?
Don't spend it or withdraw it! It could still bounce. I'm not sure what the timeline is but I think it might be 2 weeks/14 working days? Keep it there until you're sure it's cleared.

is this right? You can't rescind payments can you? Once it's gone that's it isn't it? I need to spend that on rent. What happens if I take it all out so theres nothing in my account?
Was it a direct transfer or cheque? If it was a cheque the money might appear in your account but not clear for a while. If it was a transfer you should be ok i think :p

transfer, no cheque. Current cleared balance and everything.

Don't bring me down now OCUK.
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